2011 is off and running and I am afraid of everyone else’s healthy intentions. I am afraid of gym overcrowding. I am looking forward to gym drop out.
Every year I see the same thing in my gym. January first there are more people there than I have ever seen before. The locker rooms are impossible to navigate, the lines for machines long. That state of affairs continues for the first two weeks of January, and then right around Martin Luther King Day, there is a drop off. Something about the three day weekend makes people’s spirits give out. They give up, back away, let go, throw in the towel. That is when I get my gym back.
So my New Year’s resolution is the following: stay away from the gym for the first 17 days of January. I have a stationary bike, a couple of workout DVDs, and a list of physical therapy exercises. I am gonna work on those for the time being. Having the gym all to myself makes me want to go more. I can count on solace, and on having an elliptical with my name on it the rest of the year.
Health expercts argue about what is the best way to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Today while I was pedaling on my bike someone was on CNN saying that it is better to make a “big” change so you get immediate feedback about your behavior. Still, the Centers for Disease Control have taken the approach of promoting “Small Steps” as the secret to lasting adoption of healthy habits. What works for you? What makes you tick? I am a creature of habit and I like being left alone when I am sweating. That’s why you won’t see me in the gym until Jan 18th :)
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