Last night I made my way to the gym. Just as I had predicted, the gym scene has shrunk predictably. Hot guys I and II were there, running on the treadmill. Just like they were back in November. There are also two African-American ladies who are old timers and they were riding the stationary bikes. I hopped onto the elliptical, and was happily peddling away when a new guy walked in. Now this new guy was older, sort of balding, boring looking. He was wearing pleated pants and they didn’t really work for him. He went in to the locker room to change and came out and got onto the elliptical by me.
Isn’t there a rule somewhere? “Don’t wear too much cologne if you are going to the gym?” This guy reeked. The smell sort of made me nauseas. But I made it to the end of my 30 minutes on the elliptical and the smell wasn’t too bad once I went over to the mat to do my physical therapy exercises.
I’ve been doing pretty well on my fitness regimen. Last week I went to Dr Kim in Annandale and he straightened out my neck with his amazing acupuncture techniques. After that I was able to move all my extremities and get back on track with the cardio workouts. I have been slacking on my PT exercises and I can feel that I really have to work now when I lift my legs. Of course it’s even harder to do them when you have to deal with people wearing stinky cologne.
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