Thursday, April 14, 2016

3 Ways to Be a Better Writer

Do you wish you were a better writer, but always feel like something is holding you back? Chances are, whatever is keeping you from writing the novel, blog or thesis that you wish you could write are the common factors that all writers face: physiological needs, thought patterns that block creativity, or self-defeating habits that you’ve developed. Let’s talk about how these can be overcome.
1. Body Needs: Identify Them,  Satisfy Them, Write
What holds me back from writing in terms of antecedent behavior to writing are a million physiological needs. I’m hungry, I have to go to the bathroom, my hip or back, or neck hurt. All of these have a solution. Why fight them? Fix them.
2. Too Many (Or Not Enough) Ideas: Back of the Napkin Method

Whether it is too many or not enough ideas, the way to overcome this problem is simple. If you have  too many ideas, write them down. All of them. One by one. In a circle, in a list, in little thought clouds. If you don’t have enough ideas, start drawing, or just write any words that cross your mind.  Unless you are under the influence of mind altering substances, there are always things floating around in there. Set a timer for 10 minutes and sit with a blank piece of paper or black screen. Don’t self-censor. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Courtesy Flickr Melo McC

3. It Takes Ten Minutes to Get Coffee at Starbucks
Once you have taken care of 1 and 2 above, think about ways you can work this into your daily routine. Most humans are on autopilot at least 50% of the time anyway.  Make it the first thing you do at work when you come in, or make it the last thing you do before you leave. Your job isn’t going to vaporize into the void in 10 minutes. Emails can wait. Whatever your writing goals, you already have the keys inside yourself to overcome them.  The way you unlock that potential is to set yourself up for success. Whatever the behavioral cue that helps you get it done is ok. Give yourself permission, go ahead and write it out.

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